The Women’s Affairs Unit at Basra Engineering Technical College , conducted a workshop regaeding domestic violence and caring for children, in the presence of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Laila Balasim Hashem, and members of the college.
The teaching workshop at the college was presented by Dr. Buthaina Sultan Aziz, where she discussed various topics related to family affairs, including the causes of domestic violence, ways to treat it, how to take care of childhood, build the child’s personality, and raise him appropriately according to the data of the social environment.

The workshop lecturer emphasized that “domestic violence is any type of violence, abuse, or neglect that occurs within one family. Domestic violence can include physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional abuse, as well as financial neglect. The perpetrator of the violence is usually a family member.” .

The workshop included numerous interventions that address the family and childhood, and the search for appropriate mechanisms that take care of the family and children without any kind of violence.