About Undergraduate Studies
Basra Engineering Technical College awards a bachelor’s degree in five scientific fields. The College adopts the annual system and the duration of study in all the scientific departments is 4 years; during the first year of each department, the students are taught the basic principles of engineering sciences related to the specialized field of that department, in which the student is prepared to study more deep in these subjects during the remaining years. In addition to the above, students are trained during the summer vacation of the second and third academic years, equivalent to four months of summer training divided into two months each year. This training is being conducted in factories and companies related to the specialty of their study field, to develop their skills and adapt them to the working environment of factories, laboratories and companies. In the fourth stage of their study, and as a part of the graduation requirements, the student has to demonstrate and submit a theoretical and/or practical research. The aim of this project is to develop the scientific and practical skills of the student in the field of research.
Duration of Study and Scientific Fields

Duration of Study
The duration of study in BETC is four years for the High-school graduates and three years for the graduates of the institutes who shares similar field of study. The study includes theoretical and practical sections, the practical section forms 40% of the units of BSc. study for most of the subjects.
Scientific Fields
There are five study fields which are:
1- Fuel and Energy Techniques Engineering More Info
2- Chemical and Petrochemical Techniques Engineering More Info
3- Electrical Power Techniques Engineering More Info
4- Thermal Mechanic Techniques Engineering More Info
5- Environmental and Pollution Techniques Engineering More Info