About the Department


The Department is on going with the development of the curriculum in line with the latest scientific developments in the field of electrical power engineering, in addition to completing the requirements of the scientific laboratories in the department. seek to raise the teaching staff and create the appropriate conditions for scientific research in                                        order to obtain the scientific degrees required to be able to compete competently and                                          distinguish with similar sections only local, Arab or international.


Mission Statement
Electrical Engineering Techniques (EET) program provides highly qualified Electrical Engineers with state of the art knowledge, technical and leadership skills. The program also teaches them to embrace innovation and discovery, strive for lifelong learning, and constantly seek professional development to best serve the Electrical Engineering                                                 profession.

Program Educational Objectives

The Program Educational Objectives of the Bachelor Technical in Electrical Engineering program are to:
• Provide Electrical engineering professionals with the technical
knowledge and skills required by the industry to develop, design, and maintain                                                     Electrical systems to highest level of industry standards.
• Prepare graduates for a successful career as effective decision makers with strong                                                Electrical and teamwork skills and an understanding of the global,
• ethical and social implications of the industry and Electrical Engineering
• Provide graduates with strong commitment to lifelong learning, continuing education,                                         and professional growth.
• provide graduates with leadership qualities and commitment to contribute
actively to achieving the vision Reconstruction of Iraq.


Characterization of the graduate work

1- Understand the basic principles operation of power systems beginning from generation plants to loads.

2- Design, implementation, operation and maintenance of control systems for power systems.

3- Operation and maintenance of motors and generators associated with power systems.

4- Ability to analyze power systems in the main and secondary generating plants and to make the necessary measurements and the ability to operate and control the generation plants.

5- Design the necessary laboratory units for the requirements of graduate students in the department and operation

Head of the Department
