Basra Engineering Technical Collage discusses a master’s thesis titled “Multilevel inverts with the lowes keys for the electrophotgaric system in the alternating current micro- network”.

Basra Engineering Technical Collage discussed a master’s thesis titled (Multilevel inverts with the lowes keys for the electrophotgaric system in the alternating current micro- network) for the graduate student Hussein Sabry Abdel Aziz, Department of Electrical Engineering Technologies in the presence of the dean of the collage, Dr, Adnan Abdullah Atiq.

The debate committee has been involved all:

1- Prof. Dr. Ramzi Salem Ali/ University of Basra, Faculty of Engineering/ president
2- Prof. Dr. Ahmed Thamer Radi/ Southern Technical University, Technical Collage of Engineering, Maysan/ Member
3- Lect. Dr. Haider Yaqoub Youssef/ Southern Technical University, Technical Collage of Engineering Basra/ Member
4- Prof. Dr. Rabee Hashim Abbasi President of The Southern Technical University/ Member and Supervisor
5- Lect. Dr. Zia Kamel Shree/ Southern Technical University/ Technical College Basra/ Member and Supervisor

The study aims to “demonstrate a hybrid approach to maximum power point tracking (MMp) built using GWO- optimizing algorithms (GWO) with enhanced disturbance and monitoring algorithms (MP&O) as well as provide a robust tracking method (MPPT) while minimizing the minimum loss in the cell maximum points solar.

The study concluded that “a certain type of multileveled variable called non- conventional has been developed, where the principle of reducing the number of its components is adopted to obtain similar voltage levels to the three conventional types (the bi- diode- assembled Multileveled variant, the multi- leveled multileveled variable, and the multi- level variable” Sequential properties and separate source. This advancement in current technology will be low- cost, small- scale, more reliable, reduce power loss, greatly enhance efficiency, and reduce output wave distortion