Basra Engineering Technical College conducted a workshop on the duties and tasks for its members and their role in improving performance, presented by the official of the Legal Division, Abdul Kazem Shanan, and in the presence of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Laila Balasim Hashem, and the college’s associates.

The workshop concluded that the duties and tasks of associates in any institution have a major role in improving overall performance and advancing them through a set of topics that focused on the distinguished work of associates, including: clearly defining goals and responsibilities that enable them to focus on achieving goals effectively, which increases productivity, as well as training. “Development by providing continuous training programs helps members acquire new skills and improve overall performance.”

The workshop lecturer added that continuous evaluation is one of the important axes for improving the performance of members, as it helps in identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and thus performance can be improved through appropriate guidance and training, as well as effective communication, as communication between members and management enhances the exchange of ideas and observations, which contributes to improving Operations and working in a team spirit. Motivation can also encourage employees to perform outstandingly through a system of incentives and rewards for excellence, and it enhances the spirit of innovation, diligence, and interest in a good organizational environment, thus providing a healthy and safe work environment that contributes to increasing employees’ satisfaction and improving their performance.”