Out of the Technical College of Engineering deanship’s enthusiasm to activate the role of the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit in harnessing all capabilities and programs to serve the student and graduate, to develop her/himself and refining her/his skills, through the programs and events it provides, Basra Technical Engineering College concluded a course on vocational qualification for the labor market with the participation of students and graduates from the University of Basra, Basra University of Oil and Gas, and Basra Technical College of Engineering. The course addressed some aspects in the recruiting processes management, job descriptions and marketing. In this course, the trainer Mona Taha presented various lectures on vocational training, job marketing, the concept of job interviews and how to prepare for them, and in turn, the trainer Maryam Youssef gave lectures on vocational rehabilitation and self-construction, while the trainer Saad Nazim gave a lecture on the management of recruitment processes. The Dean of the College concluded the course with an intervention on “Job Qualification for the Labor Market”, in which he referred to improving the graduates’ performance efficiency, qualifying them for job opportunities in the job market, providing participants with communication and self-development skills, that are most needed at the work environment, and the keys to career excellence. At the end, he extended his thanks and appreciation to the special training staff in the course.